Business Coaching

Business coaching is an essential element supporting modern organizational management.
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700 PLN + 23% VAT
/price per person

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What is individual business coaching?

“Hard” skills provide expert knowledge. When combined with the individual development of “soft” skills, the employee and employer both strengthen the organization and enhance its uniqueness for years.


Business coaching is also perfect as post-training support to consolidate certain attitudes when using knowledge in practice. There are often moments of doubt after the training, when participants tend to "return to established patterns" - then coaching will be an invaluable help.


The coach accompanies the coachee (participant) in overcoming obstacles and traveling along their professional path from where they currently are to where they want to be. It does not teach their particular tasks, but expands competences and skills in achieving goals and business results that are important. Success equals coachee's awareness of achieving change and the set goal.


Business coaching also works perfectly as post-training support to consolidate attitudes when using knowledge in practice, especially when, in moments of doubt after returning from training, participants often tend to "return to established patterns.”.

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Business coaching

What issues can be discussed at meetings?

During meetings with clients, the range of development of people participating in the process is very wide. It includes:
- developing leadership and managerial skills, including: all issues related to improving management standards, i.e. strengthening skills in, among others: planning, setting measurable goals, delegating tasks and responsibilities, setting priorities, motivating, enforcing, dealing with resistance, conflict, evaluation of work results, using the language of benefits during speeches, etc.
- developing and implementing strategies for implementing changes
- managing unusual and difficult situations, like: layoffs, frequent employee turnover
- difficult negotiations with internal and external clients
- challenges and responsibilities related to holding a managerial position or running your own company
- broadly understood communication skills

Purpose of coaching meetings

The starting point is to determine the coachee’s development goal.

Individual business coaching takes place in the form of regular meetings (sessions) lasting 1.5 hours every 3-4 weeks. Offline or online with the camera on, on both sides.

At each meeting, the coachee decides on the business topic (event/behavior) he or she wants to talk about, and the coach’s role is to supervise the structure of the meeting, which allows the participant to independently find new solutions to the topic of conversation and the vision of the coaching goal.

What does the coaching process look like?

We work using a variety of tools, e.g.: attention, deep listening, a sequence of questions - strong, deepening and sometimes questioning assumptions; visualization; role-playing, where the coach takes on the role of a difficult interlocutor, etc. What is also crucial are the tasks that the coachee sets for themselves. A business coach does not give advice, does not judge, is not biased. They conduct the meeting/conversation in such a way that the client discovers their own path to the desired changes.

The meeting provides space for reflection, thanks to which the participant can look at their own work and become aware of various aspects of their patterns of thinking and reacting. It also looks at the mechanisms and habits that determine behavior that influences the development of one's own competences.

At the end of each meeting, the participant plans inter-session development activities, adequate to his/her situation, capabilities and vision of the goal. We start each subsequent meeting by discussing its results.

The parties are bound by the principle of confidentiality and discretion of the information provided, as well as partnership and sense of humor.

Who sets the goals and how long does the individual development process take?

We invite the participant to first self-assess their business competences and skills. Such an assessment is also made by their superior or a person designated by the organization - a two-sided perspective is needed.

Throughout the entire process, we assume cooperation and involvement of three parties (participant + supervisor + coach). During a joint, three-way meeting, we establish the expectations of both the participant and their superior. We establish order priorities, competence development measures and the duration of development meetings.

Quite often, the coaching process lasts more than 12 meetings, and in individual cases it happens that 1 meeting is sufficient. The parties co-decide on this after setting the goals.

Who will be informed, when and what about?

We recommend that each time after the meeting, the participant informs his/her superior about the substantive issue discussed (in the form of a short note prepared during the meeting). At every stage of development, the participant should also be able to count on the support of his or her supervisor.

Business coaching ends with a report prepared by the coach containing general information about the topic, the course of the meetings and the goals of the participant and the organization (established and achieved). All information included in the final report is authorized by the person participating in the coaching.

We also recommend three-way verification and support meetings scheduled on an ongoing basis throughout the development process.

What are the benefits of business coaching?

Business coaching: - Helps to understand your role and its impact on the development of the organization
- Strengthens the participant’s motivation, ability to self-reflect and job satisfaction
- Improves productivity and efficiency of tasks performed and communication.
- Involves the participant in changes that improve their work style, inspiring and involving subordinates in the decision-making process, independent action and taking responsibility for them.
- Increases the efficiency and effectiveness of the organization.
- Contributes to the optimization of management processes.
- Distinguishes the participant and the employer on the labor market with its innovativeness in management.

When might the coaching process not work?

It rarely works if used as a single-use, interventional tool. As the name suggests, coaching is a process, so to be truly effective it should be conducted systematically, i.e. continuously. You should not expect the participant to make an immediate change, not make mistakes or provide a quick list of ready-made solutions that will help achieve his or her business results and the entire company's results. However, it is possible for it to work when there is a sincere desire, i.e. commitment to action.

What distinguishes a coach from a mentor, consultant or trainer?

One of the fundamental differences between coaching, consulting or mentoring is that coaching reaches “inside the person” for answers, while consulting and mentoring often involve and bring the answer from “the outside”.

A coach is an expert in asking inspiring and inquisitive questions. A mentor is an expert in sharing experience. A trainer is an expert in teaching specific skills.

Our mentors specialize in Individual Coaching and Coaching for Groups and Teams.

Form of the meeting, organizational information

Meet this program’s coach

Marzena Zielińska

I first learned about coaching from the opposite place – as a participant/coachee that wanted to improve my own leadership competences. Before supporting business became my profession, I had worked in it for over 20 years.

I verified the value of my coaching certificate I acquired in practice while managing various teams.

Sign up for business coaching Kraków

You are just one step from your growth! Do not waste time and sign up for an individual meeting with our coach.
700 PLN +23% VAT /price per person

Price for one meeting.
Make an appointment for your first meeting free of charge.

Leaders Island
Leaders Island

Do you have any questions
or concerns?

Please reach out to us via email at through our form, or by calling phone: +48 669 530 113

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