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Intrinsic Motivation, or What Drives Us

Scientific measurement of needs as a key to understanding human behavior. Workshop for people who want to learn the sources of internal motivation and use this power to strengthen the effectiveness of their team.

Motywacja wewnętrzna -- Leaders Island
najbliższe szkolenia - Leaders Island

Upcoming dates

Reach for the sources of internal motivation to understand what you need for effective work and a fulfilled life.
07 March 2025/ Kraków
2930 PLN + 23% VAT
/price per person

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Motywacja wewnętrzna szkolenia Leaders Island

Workshop’s description

Reach for the sources of internal motivation to understand what you need for effective work and a fulfilled life. Internal Motivation, or What Drives Us, is a workshop for leaders who want to wisely lead their team to their goals, taking care of the development and well-being of their colleagues. 

Get to know the sources of motivation

Motivation is the driving force behind what we do. Knowing its sources allows us to understand what exactly we need to act effectively and feel fulfilled. At Leaders Island, we believe that a leader is a person who leads a team to win (Leading a Winning Team). Regardless of what your definition of winning is, in order to be an effective leader it is worth knowing, understanding and adapting the mechanism of internal motivation.

Why is it worth it?

The sense of fulfillment and satisfaction of employees is a huge "source of energy" for the team and the foundation of commitment. Such a team effectively strives to win, is more resistant to difficulties, has much lower turnover and does not need additional financial motivators.

Each of us is different

We are practitioners and we combine our experience with a reliable scientific approach. We respect the diversity of each of us and the complexity of the world, so instead of simplified paradigms about motivation or general recommendations like: "motivation is: autonomy, mastery and purpose", we invite you on a journey whose goal is new, deeper knowledge about yourself. As a leader, you will be able to translate it into the team, activating intrinsic motivation among employees.

Take part in the workshop and discover the potential of acting in accordance with your internal needs.

Motivation: Trailer [in Polish]

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Workshop’s program - scope

Internal Motivation, or What Drives Us, is a one-day workshop preceded by a psychometric test and an individual mentoring session. The goal of this program is to learn and understand the sources of internal motivation and then use this force to strengthen a team’s effectiveness.

RMP Individual Intrinsic Motivation Profile Test (online)

The first step is to scientifically measure your intrinsic motivation. At this stage, we will use a concept developed on the basis of extensive empirical research by the team of Professor Steven Reiss from Ohio State University. Thanks to it, you will learn your individual intensity of 16 basic motivators/desires that characterize every person. Reiss Motivation Profile® is a test that meets all 5 scientific criteria relating to psychometric testing: validity, reliability, standardization, objectivity and normalization.

Individual mentoring session with an experienced RMP Master (online)

It is worth adding that we chose Reiss Motivation Profile® as an effective method of measuring motivation because it is not very sensitive to the effect of "social adjustment", i.e. the desire to influence results by providing desired answers. The impact of this effect measured using the MCSDS scale (Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale) is below 3%, so it is small. In the next step, during an individual mentoring session with an experienced leader, you will discuss the results obtained. The aim of this consultation is to determine the significant sources of your internal motivation and how they translate into your behavior.

One-day workshop in a group of leaders

The third stage is a workshop meeting in a group of leaders who, like you, have completed the previous two stages. With a greater awareness of your own motivation, you will meet in a working group to, together with the leading mentor, consider how to translate the acquired knowledge and self-awareness into the team you work with.

Workshop topics

Referring to our model of leadership skills, Leading a Winning Team, we will revise erroneous views about motivation and focus on reliably verified mechanisms that you can apply in your sphere of influence as a team leader. We will combine motivation with commitment both at the individual level - for each team member - and at the level of a group. We will also focus on an individual strategy for strengthening the motivation of each colleague, so that thanks to the tactics developed during the workshop, you will be able to take advantage of the diversity of people you work with as a leader.

Each of us is defined by 16 needs, but it is their individual intensity that determines our motivation.

What will be your takeaways from the intrinsic motivation workshop?

After this workshop at Leaders Island, you will understand better what drives people. You will:

What others think about this training

The aim of the training is to understand the sources of internal motivation and then use this force to strengthen the effectiveness of your team.

Read recommendations of dozens of satisfied specialists.

Meet this training’s mentors

Depending on the edition, these workshops are conducted by:


I have been working with managers in the area of ​​developing leadership and social skills for over 20 years.


The “essence”, “practice”, and “small steps” are the words that describe my approach to development – myself as an individual and teams I coach.

Listen to our podcast [in Polish] and learn more about intrinsic motivation

Sign up for the Intrinsic Motivation workshop

You are just one step from your growth! Do not waste time and sign up for the Intrinsic Motivation, or What Drives Us: a Scientific measurement of needs as a key to understanding human behavior.
2930 PLN +23% VAT /price per person

Price includes:

  • Reiss Motivation Profile® psychometric test (value PLN 1,000) a detailed report on the performed test in electronic form,
  • an hour-long online session with a certified RMP Master on the obtained profile, participation in the workshop.


The RMP Motivational Profile is an online questionnaire consisting of 128 statements. It takes about 25 minutes to complete, then a report is generated based on your choices and discussed during an individual session.
The report is discussed during an individual session. This can only be done by a certified RMP Master, i.e. a person who has experience in working with the theory of Prof. Steven Reiss
A report specifying your individual intensity of internal motivators/desires will be available only to you and the RMP Master during an individual session. During the workshop, when working in a group with other leaders, you do not have to refer in detail to your own characteristics.

The test results are not evaluative or discriminatory in any way. No profile with over 6,000,000 possibilities is an indication for fulfilling a specific role, including that of a leader.

Leaders Island
Leaders Island szkolenia

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or concerns?

Please reach out to us via email at through our form, or by calling phone: +48 669 530 113

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