Development Areas

Powerful Public Speaking

Learn how to capture the attention of your audience and achieve your goals during presentations and public speeches.
Angażujące Wystąpienia i Prezentacje Szkolenie z wystąpień publicznych
najbliższe szkolenia - Leaders Island

Upcoming dates

Explore the latest storytelling techniques and become a master of public speaking!
New date soon (English version) / Kraków
2930 PLN + 23% VAT

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Spis Treści

Angażujące Wystąpienia i Prezentacje Szkolenie z wystąpień publicznych

Training’s description

Whether you’re speaking at a large conference or presenting your ideas to a team, the ability to articulate clear messages and effectively achieve goals during presentations is one of the key competencies that will undoubtedly be useful in your daily work.


Discover new storytelling tools and learn how to make a lasting impact on your audience. This workshop will help you acquire skills supported by interdisciplinary knowledge ranging from psychology to narrative theories.

Get inspired

Get inspired by mentor who will share their experience and provide specific guidance on increasing your confidence and preparing for presentations. This will ensure that what you say is not just a flash of talent, but a fully conscious effort aimed at repeatable results.


At Leaders Island, we prioritize practice, so you will create your first presentation based on the new formula during the workshop. Prepare for challenging public speaking training. We count on you to convince us and other participants!

Join our public speaking workshop to boost your confidence and prepare for the challenges ahead.

Trailer Powerful Public Speaking

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Workshop’s program - scope

During the two-day workshop, we will practice step by step how to effectively communicate to inspire a change in beliefs and motivate action. Even if you’re not a natural-born speaker, your presentations will be memorable and will begin to produce results.

A workshop unlike any other

Most likely, you have taken part in training courses that focused on technical aspects of presentations: how to write headings, how many bullets a single slide should have, what pictures to choose. Quite probably, you have also been to workshops that dealt with simple aspects of social engineering. How to speak to sound convincing. How to position your hands. In which minute the obligatory joke should be made. Sure, all of this is important, but definitely not the most important because…

What counts today is engaging stories!

Everyone is talking about storytelling. However, few can use this tool during a presentation. However, if you put your arguments across in the form of an attractive story, you will be able to face the greatest barrier: the listener’s resistance—his or her tiredness, shifts of attentions, boredom, skepticism, and even reluctance.

Right, greatfibs, but where are the numbers?

Don’t worry and don’t think that our workshops are intended to motivate just the… motivational speakers. If we inspire you, that’s great, but it’s mostly about providing you with efficient tools. We will practice a 10-step formula that will allow you to get the approval for even the most boring Excel datasheet or other scientific data

Self-confidence and emotional control

After the workshop, you will leave with the ability to effectively convey your thoughts and control the emotions that may accompany you during your speech. We will also teach you effective techniques to build self-confidence, which will translate into the effectiveness and better reception of your presentation.

What will be your takeaways from powerful public speaking workshop?

After the workshop at Leaders Island, you will elevate your presentations to a higher level because:

Do you want to attend this workshop in the Polish version?

What others think about this training

Read recommendations of dozens of satisfied specialists.

Meet this training’s mentor

Don Allen
Don Allen

I am passionate about people, building teams and… success. Those are the factors that formed his career path.

I’m a dynamic entrepreneur with a proven track record of success in diverse business ventures, from building and managing coffee shops and gyms to launching a successful modelling agency. With a focus on cost-control and service improvement, I’ve transformed a low-turnover restaurant into a high-volume success, increasing sales by 100%.

Sign up for training

Don’t hesitate and enrol today for the “Powerful Public Speaking” training course.
2930 PLN +23% VAT

One-2-one with Mentor

If after the training you would like to work individually on newly acquired skills or prepare for a conference/presentation at work, we propose an additional meeting:

One-to-one session with mentor

At any time, for 1 hour, you will have the opportunity to work individually with the mentor on selected topics.
Meeting price: 700 PLN net / 1h

Leaders Island
Leaders Island

Do you have any questions
or concerns?

Please reach out to us via email at through our form, or by calling phone: +48 669 530 113

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