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Leading in Change

You and your team during tough time of transition
This workshop teaches a sensible, people-friendly and agile approach to difficult and complex changes in the organization.

Zarządzanie zmianą szkolenie Kraków
najbliższe szkolenia - Leaders Island

Upcoming dates

Lead your team wisely and using their potential during times of change.
Contact us at: / Kraków (2 days, on-site)
2930 PLN + 23% VAT
/price per person

Are you looking for a program for a group of leaders in your company?

If you want to learn about the offer for this training (also in English) in a form tailored to your needs, please contact us at:


Spis Treści

Zarządzanie zmianą szkolenie Kraków

Workshop’s description

Leading in Change is a two-day workshop for leaders who want to be well prepared to effectively lead their team/organization through a period of difficult and complex changes.


During the workshop, you will learn adaptive strategies for dealing with changes in the organization and effective tools and frameworks, which you will have the opportunity to practice under the supervision of an experienced mentor.

Get inspired

You will have the opportunity to benefit from the knowledge and experience of your mentor. You will be inspired by the solutions used in the case studies discussed and you will receive a solid dose of knowledge and practical tips.

Put into practice

The most important element of this workshop is practice. By using the form of experiential learning, you will acquire and develop key competencies that will support you in your everyday work.

Not every change can be analyzed, planned in time, implemented, and then just followed by looking at the metrics and enjoying the result. In fact… we rarely see such a process, regardless of the number of advice-givers trying to introduce us to ready-made change management frameworks.

During this workshop, we will deal with changes that do not have a clearly defined final state and learn how to effectively manage such situations.

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Workshop’s program - scope

“Leading in Change” are two days full of knowledge, practical exercises and specific tips that will give you a solid basis for conscious management of changes that evolve over time and do not have a clearly defined final state.

Recognizing the situation

We will start by looking at the three phases of the transition process as described by Bill Bridges: the “goodbye/ending phase”, the “neutral/no man's land” phase, and the “new beginnings phase”. We will practice the ability to properly close and end chapters in the team's life. We will learn to inventory losses and anticipate threats.

Changes and the emotional dimension

Changes are always accompanied by emotions. In the next step, we will learn the simplest and best way to organize reality by looking at and naming emotions in the workplace (especially those that accompany loss). We will solve several difficult case studies that will show different shades of emotions and we will learn to talk to employees about changes, ask them open, strong questions, and listen carefully.

Management strategy

Then we will develop a strategy on how to wisely lead the team at a time when the old one is gone and the new one is not yet visible. We will talk about how to maintain energy, motivation and willingness - so as to be ready to start work "anew" when the right time comes.

Commitment to change

In the last step, we will talk about self-organization, skin-in-the-game, giving responsibility and employee networks. We will unravel several cases where the change was not carried out well and the teams returned to the old order immediately after starting. We will practice in practice how to create new, strong habits in a team, how to close feedback loops, and how to forge new paths amid chaos.

What will be your takeaways from managing in change workshop?

What others think about this training

Leading in Change is a solid basis for conscious change management.

Read recommendations of dozens of satisfied specialists.

Meet this training’s mentors

Adam Jaworski

I lead agile transformations of complex organizations, talk to leaders and teach teams how to work in unpredictable environments.

I help current and future leaders find meaning in what is happening, love people, products and their users.

I have been serving as a leader (in the fields of User/Customer Experience, Design Thinking, Navigating Change) and a teacher and coach (Agile, Scrum) for many years.

Listen to our podcast [in Polish] and learn more about change management and leading in change

Sign up for the Leading in Change workshop

You are just one step from your growth! Do not waste time and sign up for the Leading in Change
2930 PLN +23% VAT /price per person
Leaders Island szkolenia
Leaders Island szkolenia

Do you have any questions
or concerns?

Please reach out to us via email at through our form, or by calling phone: +48 669 530 113

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