Development Areas:

Manager as Leader

How good could you be?
Do you know the difference between an ordinary manager and a true leader? You can experience this transformation for yourself thanks to training under the supervision of a world-class business mentor, Dr. John Scherer!

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najbliższe szkolenia - Leaders Island

E-learning / English Special price!

Want to become a part of an elite group of leaders? Benefit from the vast experience of Dr. John Scherer and take your leadership skills to the next level.
149 USD   99 USD

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Training’s description

Manager as Leader. How good could you be?

Are you already a leader or still just a manager?

Maybe, like many others, you were born with the talent to manage others. Combined with ambition and hard work, this talent can take you to the top of your profession. If that’s where you are, there is still one more step to take. If that’s where you want to be, there’s a way to get into the express lane to the top. At Leaders Island, we empower you to reach your full potential and avoid the obstacles on the path to success. Helping you to make the transition from manager to true leader is our mission.

Can you afford an expensive failure?

The numbers don’t lie. Forty percent of newly promoted managers leave their positions within eighteen months. Of those, eighty percent cite poor management from superiors as the reason. Among those who hang on, sixty percent are not contributing to their company’s success. A lack of real leadership means many of your best people look for other opportunities, leaving you with a staff full of employees who are content to do just enough to get by. A small investment in yourself pays you back many times over in the form of the ability to retain the best and brightest and keep a competitive edge.

Rise to unlock your potential and become a leader!

Leaders Island provides you with the essential tools needed for assuming the role of leader in any environment. You’ll get actionable advice, tips and knowledge that you can put to work immediately. We’re focused on immediate improvements and results through a careful analysis of the basic aspects of your competencies and habits. We believe that the person you are influences the manager you are and the leader you will become. Overcome your weaknesses, develop your talents and become the best possible version of yourself as a leader and in life!

By learning from the best, you too can become the best.

You have the opportunity to develop as a leader under the supervision of Dr. John Scherer, a world-class business mentor, and motivational speaker, a manager with over 40 years of experience in the largest global companies, and the creator of bestsellers such as 5 Questions that Change Everything: Life Lessons at Work. His original Management and Leadership Skills Development Program brought the best managers from 23 countries to the top.

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Training program - contents

The whole training takes more than 4 hours and it’s divided into the following sections:

What will be your takeaways from this workshop?

Training with Leaders Island will empower you to:

What others think about this training

Read recommendations of dozens of satisfied specialists.

Meet this training’s mentor

Dr. John J. Scherer - Od menedżera do lidera
Dr. John J. Scherer

Do you know the difference between an ordinary manager and a true leader? See for yourself with a world-class training session lead by business mentor John Scherer.

As a former Combat Officer on a US Navy Destroyer, Lutheran Chaplain at Cornell University, Gestalt and Family Systems Therapist, Graduate School co-creator, author, successful consultant and entrepreneur, John brings a unique perspective to his life and work. Business and community leaders from 23 nations have graduated from his Executive and Leadership Development Intensives.

Sign up for training

Don’t hesitate and enrol today for the „Manager as Leader” training course.
149 USD   99 USD

e-learning, workshop in English

Leaders Island
Leaders Island

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You can also call: tel: +48 669 530 113

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