Speak to Impress: 1. Communication skills
Learn the art of Powerful Public Speaking during the workshops with Don Allen
Zobacz wystąpienia naszych mentorów oraz nagrania z eventów, na których dzielimy się wiedzą i doświadczeniem liderskim.
Learn the art of Powerful Public Speaking during the workshops with Don Allen
I am passionate about people, building teams and… success. Those are the factors that formed his career path.
Come with me for a short trip down the slippery slope of your own mind. We would take on a few real-life examples from project management and try to learn how to outtrick our brains. Why? To plan more wisely, be a better manager, developer, or designer, and a more cautious human being.
During this talk, we would try to find out together: how to lead from both head and heart, what connects team building and love, what compassionate leadership is, how to use mindfulness at work and how to embrace those in your everyday professional life especially when leading a team to feel better and achieve more together.
Leaders often focus almost entirely on management areas: creating an effective operating plan and managing people’s time and effort. However, many leaders are not aware of a different dimension: a world John calls ‘Below the Waterline’, where all the human interactions, emotions and opinions happen. Moving smoothly between the two worlds is what makes great…
Yes, I want my friends to see this video! Winning the championchip in American Football, building the world’s best scout troop as well as gaining extraordinary results in business – all is a process, step sequence, which you have to make as a manager. Dawid Ostrega will tell you what does the team building fiercely
John’s speech concerns itself with managing in a crisis. When times are stable and business is booming, most leaders manage to look good. The true test of a great leader is when crisis hits.
Starting a business is easy but keeping it going and growing it is tough and not without its many challenges. Jerzy talk about the ten truths of successfully growing businesses based on his 35 year experience working both in the UK and internationally. He concluded to say take pride in what you do, always believe…